Sunday, March 20, 2011

Limitless In Review

I must say I really enjoyed Limitless. From the very beginning the vibes were all there. The audience was audibly excited to see the sexy Bradley Cooper go on a wild ride with NZT, the drug that makes all possible (very similar in concept to adderall I might add). By accessing the entirety of his brain's capability, he achieves success beyond our wildest dreams. The first third of the film showed how much of a loser he is, very different from Cooper's Mr Cool persona. So that was really refreshing to watch a different take on a very exploited personality. The film itself was visually cool, with trippy never-ending zooms to enhance the audience's perspective on what being under the influence of NZT feels like. The opening credits used this effect to the max. Overall, it was an enjoyable movie experience -- not an amazing film -- but a pretty good one that kept me intrigued throughout. Bits of humor here and there, sequences of suspense, and a whole lot of Bradley, who is uniquely handsome but also a commanding actor.  Not to mention, in this day and age, who wouldn't seize the opportunity to swallow a quick and easy way into a life of wealth, fame, glamour and adventure? That is the question. 

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